I dag (25 mars) fikk jeg endelig vite hvor jeg kommer til å tilbringe neste skoleår!
Vertsfamilien min består av et homofilt par og 3 fugler. Chester og Doug, som begge er leger og har holdt sammen i 18 år. Jeg fikk bare litt info men ikke helt hvor de bor, bare skolen jeg skal gå på. Det er Mohonasen High School som befinner seg i Rotterdam, 3 timer fra New York city! Altså skal jeg bo i staten New York. :D
Forresten kan skrive hva som stod på brevet jeg fikk på mail;
"Chester works one day per week out of their home and the rest out of an office as a message therapist, although he was a regular physician for several years. Doug is a physician, lecturer and is the director of an AIDS clinic. They have been together for 18 years.
Chester began his adult life as a monk in a teaching order, then attended Notre DAme and became an M.D. Doug and Chester have lived in their neighborhood for many years (I think Chester said 14?). It is a beautiful house in a wooded subdivison where there are other high school aged kids, notably a girl next door who attends the local Catholic High School.
Chester and Doug share their house with 3 birds that they rescued, Dipsy, Clark and Petey. Dipsy and Clark walk around free in a closed off part of the house during the day. They are likable, social pets.
Both Doug and Chester are comitted and enthusiastic about the idea of hosting. They hope that Siw Beate and her parents will approve of her placement with them. "
Kommer antageligvis til å få mer info de fortkommende dagene. :) Men her er linken til skolen jeg skal på gå;
www.mohonasen.org (den virker litt kjedelig, menmen). Det er en "Art School".
(Rotterdam by, ikke akkurat det beste førsteinntrykket)
25. mars 2008
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3 kommentarer:
Heldigen som har fått vita det! Eg o vil vita det snart!! :(
hia:D det får du noK:D
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